Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seattle Space Needle view pictures set 3

Just a continuation on my series of Space Needle pictures. These images are thumb nails of larger pictures. It does take a lot of time to upload them.

A view of the bay.

It's hard to believe all the walking we did in Seattle.

You can see Olympic Sculpture Park in this picture. We literally walked from there to here.

There is that famous globe on top of the Seattle P&I.

This image is directly below us.

We actually checked out these condos. I think they were called the Trio condos. The prices have dropped down since then.

Another picture of condos and Olympic Sculpture Park. Yes, I wish I could live here.

Looking at all these views of the building pictures makes me realize this is a great city to walk around and explore. The city seemed safe to walk around.

Amazing how many roof top gardens there are.

The last picture is just a good picture of all the buildings that already exist in Seattle.

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