Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seattle Space Needle video 2

You must be tired of just looking at Space Needle pictures because I was getting sleepy posting them. Just kidding.

I thought I would try posting a video that I took at the top of the Seattle Space Needle just to change it up.

You can see and hear how crowded it was. This place was full of tourists like me. I think if there were less people around, I could and would have explored more of the area.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seattle Space Needle view pictures set 5

Continuing from my last post, these are still pictures from the top of the Space Needle in Seattle. These are all thumb links to large photos so be sure to click to get the full effect. I am amazed at all the details our digital camera was able to pick up.

This is just a beautiful view of the city and the bay.

This is another angle of the same area. I think we stayed up there over an hour and I just never got tired of looking and taking pictures. It was a cloudy day so that made it extra nice.

Just below us is what they call the music experience I believe. We didn't check that out but the building looked cool and funky. Even from this vantage point, you can tell it is whimsical.

It had a lot of weird shapes and the monorail passed through this area. It sort of looks like an amusement park, doesn't it. There are rides in the area.

There goes the monorail now. We did take the monorail once just for the experience. It is really something I would not ride again. Just another tourist trap.

The Space Needle is pretty high up and it sometimes hard to tell from the pictures. I do have a fear of heights, but the views are worth it.

Thanks for stopping by and have an excellent day. ;^)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Seattle Space Needle view pictures set 4

Back to the top of the Seattle Space Needle. My wife and I stayed up there probably over an hour. Even though we both have a fear of heights, we enjoyed the views and taking pictures.

Remember, all thumbnails are links to bigger pictures.

I do not know what this image is but it did look nice. However, the digital camera focused on the wires so it is blurred.

This is a view of the bay and docks. Notice the windows below the cables.

Now there is the famous globe and the park. Can't believe my wife and I walked all the way from there.

This looks like the same picture from above. Not sure what I was trying to capture.

I think this is a great shot of the lower rise buildings. I also think it is surprising to see the trains right there by the docks.

There were many vessels in the bay. They really do have a lot of traffic coming and going.

Across the bay here is Alki beach. We traveled over there by ferry. Such a nice place.

I think I would love to live in one of the condo buildings on this side of Seattle. That is Belltown I believe. We did check out a couple of condo buildings during this visit.

This is a nice view of all the buildings you can live in Seattle. You don't realize how crowded the city is until you are looking down on it.

Another nice city view of all the buildings. My wife and I would really enjoy living here.

Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Newport Beach Sunrise 01.2009

I think I need a break posting all the Seattle Space Needle pictures. Today, I decided to post 3 nice sunrise pictures that my wife and I took at Newport Beach, California. I think this was about 4:30-5:30 in the morning.

We didn't actually come here to take pictures. The pictures were an afterthought. We lived only about 5 minutes from this beach. At least 5 minutes during this time of the day. Regular hours would make this ride maybe 15-20 minutes.

I love the way the sun comes up and lights up the sky in those unique colors.

I wish I had taken more pictures of all the sunrises we have enjoyed together. They give me a wonderful feeling inside.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seattle Space Needle view pictures set 3

Just a continuation on my series of Space Needle pictures. These images are thumb nails of larger pictures. It does take a lot of time to upload them.

A view of the bay.

It's hard to believe all the walking we did in Seattle.

You can see Olympic Sculpture Park in this picture. We literally walked from there to here.

There is that famous globe on top of the Seattle P&I.

This image is directly below us.

We actually checked out these condos. I think they were called the Trio condos. The prices have dropped down since then.

Another picture of condos and Olympic Sculpture Park. Yes, I wish I could live here.

Looking at all these views of the building pictures makes me realize this is a great city to walk around and explore. The city seemed safe to walk around.

Amazing how many roof top gardens there are.

The last picture is just a good picture of all the buildings that already exist in Seattle.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Seattle Space Needle Video 1

This is a pretty cool video I shot with our canon camera. I always forget these digital cameras have the video option on them. Anyways, you can see the other tourists in the video. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Seattle Space Needle view pictures set 2

This is just a continuation post of more Seattle Space Needle pictures from the top. I think that cruise ship takes you up to Vancouver, Canada and possibly Alaska.

Look at all the condo buildings being built. More opportunity to buy and live there I guess.

Just another view of the high rises towards the downtown area.

I angled the camera down and the picture became a shade darker.

Hey, more condo buildings being built. Remember this was May of 2008.

I want to say this is towards the Queen Anne area, but not positively sure.

A look straight down of the area attractions.

Those are big art sculptures in red.

This is a news building with a helicopter and pad on top of the building.

That's the monorail and the Montreux building towards the left corner.

Don't forget these are all thumbnails and you can check out some great detail by clicking on the pictures. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Going to the top of Seattle Space Needle

These are all miscellaneous pictures from the top of the Seattle Space Needle. Again, these are all thumbnail pictures, so if you click on the images you will see a large detailed digital photos. I really love these pictures.

Notice the amazing roof garden on that building. How wonderful would it be to live and relax there?

This is just a nice view of the bay. I never realized how much water traffic came through this area.

A close up of the beams and wire support.

This gives you a good idea of how the structure is at the top. It is wired all around and allows you to get great pictures of the entire city.

You can still see all the cranes and building activity going on.

I think this is a great view of downtown. Near the bottom right next to the monorail is the Montreux building that I blogged about where a condo sold for $100,000 there.

I have about 100 of these Seattle Space Needle photos and will post some more. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Seattle Space Needle 05.22.2008

After we walked to the Olympic Sculpture Park, we walked to another tourist landmark. I would have to say the famous Space Needle is definitely worth checking out.

At the base of the Space Needle, we saw an Indian Band playing some native instruments. I don't think they were part of the park and looking back at it, I am surprised they were allowed to even plug in their instruments.

There were plenty of flowers and greenery all over the place. It just makes it very pleasant.

Here we are at the very bottom of the famous Space Needle.

If you click on the pictures you can see how big this building is.

Here it is just looking straight up. Both my wife and I have that fear of heights, so this was a challenge.

Here is another picture of some beautiful flowers.

Another shot of the enthusiastic Indian Band.

I think that flute hanging like a necklace was interesting looking.

I don't remember how they sounded but they did attract a lot of people to watch. They also had a display with CDs for sale.

And finally here is a picture of the tickets purchased.

I took about 100 pictures on the observation deck at the top. The views are amazing from 520 feet above the ground. I will post them next time.