Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flight to Las Vegas Trip 2004

As I mentioned in a previous post, I had won a trip to San Francisco from a collections incentive contest. That was a great contest, so the company decided to do another trip prize. Needless to say I was one lucky guy back then. I won 2 back to back trips from the company which included air fare, hotel stay, and $500 spending cash. I was the most hated manager of that time and they wanted to institute a no double winner rule after that. Lol.

Las Vegas was actually the first trip I won and took and San Francisco was the second trip.

We took a plane over there. I don't remember the airline but I do remember the trip being smooth and fast. It only took us an hour to get to our destination.

We flew out from John Wayne airport which is much smaller and less crazy than the Los Angeles International airport.

It had been many years since I have flown on an air plane so this was a treat for me. We had window seats but it was next to the wings so it wasn't a clear view.

Even the journey getting there was quite awesome. My wife and I (OK, my wife really) took some great pictures while we were up in the sky. I am amazed at how much detail the digital camera catches.

I want to say this is UC Irvine because it is near by, but that would only be a guess since this could be a high school.

Here is an excellent view of the coast. Those are all million dollar homes in the OC

These pictures are kind of like from google maps today. But back then we didn't have that application, so these pictures are interesting to me. The picture below is of the Palos Verdes Peninsula I think. Again all guesses from what I know of California.

This next picture is already half way through the trip. We are higher the mountains and the clouds. This is a nice artsy fartsy picture, isn't it.

The next few pictures are more of the same, but I really like them. Kind of makes me realize how big this world we live in is. Just check out the horizon line in the distance. How far do you think that is? It has to be hundreds of miles, right?

The mood changes when flying through all the clouds when it gets thick like pea soup. That's when you start appreciating all those technical gadgets the pilots have which allow them to fly.

You do get a weird feeling when everything turns dark in a minute. Kind of similar to an eclipse. But it cleared up for us by the time we landed.

Here we are at the Las Vegas airport and you can see the famous landmarks already. The skies cleared up or we flew ahead of the storm. Everyone was ready to gamble before the plane stopped. You could see the gambling frenzy in their eyes.

I will post more pictures tomorrow, of course, but for now I will say good night and thanks for stopping by.

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