Friday, January 15, 2010

Seattle Airport worth checking out

(click on the thumbnail images for the large detailed pictures)

Just before we land we get a nice look at the Safeco Field Stadium and the Qwest Stadium side by side in Seattle. I wonder if they ever have events on the same day because that would be a traffic nightmare getting in and out.

Look at that spaghetti of a freeway spilling all over the place.

A bit further we see the cranes in the bay area where they unload all the cargo ships for trucks to tranport freight out. Surprisingly there are many of them all over the place.

In this picture you see how much water is everywhere around Seattle. Looks like an island full of rivers. While there are many little islands across the way.

The most noticeable thing I have noticed about airports is that they are all set up like malls and art galleries. They have interesting art wherever you look.

The art glass is nice. You see it immediately when you step off the plane and enter the terminal.

I don't know if these are changed out or if these are permanent works of art. It wasn't the holiday season, so my guess is these are up all the time.

This is a picture of 2 owls I think perched on pine trees.

Here is the whole picture of everything. You can see these are quite large.

In another area we have giant vases hanging off the ceiling. Really artsy fartsy.

Then you see another scene where it looks like it has them spilling out. It gives it the illusion of movement. Get out of the way!

Outside you have these giant structures. I can't say I appreciate this as much, but it is an artist's design.

My next post will be the hotel we stayed at.

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